The aim of this blog is to focus on aspects of portraying beauty in the media; the negative and positive-if any. This topic is very important because the media actually manipulate us when telling us what is beautiful, how to perceive beauty and by continual portraying only the one type of a perfect woman make us consider it standard. Those women are all young, beautiful and thin. It looks like we are living in a perfect world full of perfect looking people. But how often do we actually meet those people in a real life? How often do we meet them on a street?

In fact, nobody can see what is actually behind it, behind this “media perfection.” Nobody realizes that many of those women may suffer from eating disorders and that the number of women who can really look like that is actually very small. Despite of all this, it does not stop women from trying to look the same and later ending with eating disorders or low self-esteem.

neděle 16. května 2010

Web pages suggestions

I would like to recommend you to visit several web pages that are related to the topic Beauty in Media where you can find out more about the subject. All of the articles agree on one thing and it is that portraying just one kind of a woman in media, which is thin, young and beautiful, only has bad impact on women of any age. It does not only affect negatively women’s self esteem, but what it is even worse is that it causes health problems when trying to reach women from advertisements looks. Therefore, women are suffering anorexia or bulimia when trying to achieve something that is not even real and what is just created by tons of stylists, fashion designers and at the end by the computer.

Beauty and Body Image in the Media:

Body image and Beauty:

How the Media Adversely Influences Our Youth:

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