The aim of this blog is to focus on aspects of portraying beauty in the media; the negative and positive-if any. This topic is very important because the media actually manipulate us when telling us what is beautiful, how to perceive beauty and by continual portraying only the one type of a perfect woman make us consider it standard. Those women are all young, beautiful and thin. It looks like we are living in a perfect world full of perfect looking people. But how often do we actually meet those people in a real life? How often do we meet them on a street?

In fact, nobody can see what is actually behind it, behind this “media perfection.” Nobody realizes that many of those women may suffer from eating disorders and that the number of women who can really look like that is actually very small. Despite of all this, it does not stop women from trying to look the same and later ending with eating disorders or low self-esteem.

neděle 16. května 2010

Body Image Advertising

Another article called Body Image Advertising that you can pursue at and was published in 2009. As it is said in the article our culture seems to be obsessed with physical appearance. Especially young people are strongly influenced by the Mass Media. And also as it is written in the article, while we might think of this as a relatively recent development, examples of advertisements that use this same approach have been around for more than 100 years.

According to me, it is not surprising that people still try hard and buy products just to look like the society ideals. We are surrounded by them since our very childhood, are learnt they are ideal and then just grow up in it. Plus, many people do care about what the others think; and if the society’s attitude is to recognize only good looking people as successful, it seems to me that people try to look like these ideals not because of themselves but just to be able to achieve something. And then there must be something wrong with the society.

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